This post was most recently updated on July 25th, 2023

Syphilis Definition:-

It is highly a communicable disease that is sexually transmitted by spirochetes or bacteria called “Treponema Pallidum“. It affects the skin and mucous membrane of the external genitalia, and also sometimes the mouth.

How is syphilis transmitted?

It is very infectious and is spread very easily like volatile oil. It is commonly spread by oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex, but it is actually very easily spread by oral sex which is not that similar to other STIs.

How common is syphilis?

As many people think it’s a disease of medieval times and many famous figures over the years had been diagnosed with syphilis and many people think that this disease has been disappeared. It’s far from disappeared and those developed cities in the world are currently experiencing an epidemic of syphilis infection. Most commonly amongst men who sex a man but also amongst other high-risk groups such as commercial sex workers, etc.

Syphilis Symptoms

As this disease is regarded as the most dangerous STD, it has some symptoms that are categorized into different stages. It may be sometimes kind of confusing because we may not see any symptoms at all and stages can be overlapped at the same time. We have discussed different categories of syphilis below:-

  1. Primary Syphilis
  2. Secondary Syphilis
  3. Latent Syphilis 

syphilis symptoms

Primary Syphilis:-

The principal indication of syphilis is a little sore, called a chancre (which is also known as SHANG-kur). The sore shows up at the spot where the little animals entered your body.

A syphilis sore (called a chancre) jumps up that sore is the perceive syphilis sullying entered your body.

While an extensive number of people ruined with syphilis become just a single chancre, a few people build up a few them.

The chancre, for the most part, makes around three weeks after introduction. Different individuals who have syphilis don’t see the chancre since it’s normally basic, and it might be hidden inside the vagina or rectum.

The chancre will recoup with no other individual inside three to about a month and a half.

Chancres can show up on your vulva, vagina, butt, penis, scrotum, and occasionally, your lips or mouth.

The injuries may equivalently cover someplace down in your vagina, under your prepuce, inside your rectum, and different spots that are hard to see. Chancres are ordinarily firm, round, and straightforward, or once in a while open and wet.

There’s ordinarily only 1 sore, in any case, you may have more.

Syphilis wounds are SUPER incredible and practically pass the contaminating to different people in the midst of sex. It’s certainly not hard to mistake a chancre for an ingrown hair, pimple, or harmless pound. Likewise, in light of how the wounds aren’t anguishing and can live in verified spots, you may not see them.

Chancres routinely show up wherever between 3 weeks and 3 months after you get the sullying. The wounds normally last around 3 to about a month and a half and a brief time period later take off alone with or without treatment.

In any case, if you don’t get treated, ignoring all that you have syphilis, paying little identity to whether the wounds are no more. You have to take medicine to fix this disease and shield it from moving to the running with a phase.

Secondary Syphilis:-

syphilis second stage

Inside an extensive segment of a month of the principle chancre recuperating, you may encounter a rash that starts your trunk in any case as time goes on spreads your whole body, even the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet.

Accomplice organizes reactions join rashes on the palms of your hands, bottoms of your feet, or different bits of your body. This rash is regularly not abraded and might be joined by moles like wounds in the mouth or genital space.

The discretionary syphilis rash is all over hard to see, and it, if all else fails, doesn’t shiver.

You may find out about cleared and have smooth flu-like signs, like a slight fever, understanding a worn out, sore throat, swollen organs, cerebral torment, and muscle throbs.

Two or three people additionally experience male precedent male pattern baldness, muscle hurts, a fever, sore throat and swollen lymph focus. These signs and responses may dissipate inside an expansive segment of a month or more than once travel all over for up to a year.

You can nearly have wounds in your mouth, vagina, or butt, and weight or male model male example hair sparseness. Associate sort out signs (syphilis rash) can last 2 to about a month and a half at a shot and may arrive and go for up to 2 years.

They’re similar to another common sickness, so it might be hard to uncover to its syphilis. The reactions from this stage will abandon independent from some other individual with or without treatment.

In any case, aside from in the event that you get treated for syphilis, notwithstanding, you’ll have the contamination in your body and it can move into the risky later stages. That is the reason STD testing is so gigantic.

Tertiary Syphilis:-

syphilis third stage

Amidst the assistant sort out and the late stage, there may be times when your syphilis sullying is idle (there are no signs or reactions in any way at all) for an enormous in length time or even years.

On the off chance that you aren’t treated for syphilis, the pollution moves from the optional to the lethargic (secured) plan, when you have no responses. Regardless, slighting all that you need treatment to discard it.

People who have had syphilis for a long time face authentic therapeutic issues.

The latent stage can prop up for a critical long time. Signs and responses may stay away for the uncertain future, or the ailment may advance to the tertiary (third) arrange.

Late occasions of syphilis can cause tumors, visual impediment, and loss of advancement. It can hurt your indisputable structure, mind, and different organs, and may broadly execute you. It is sensibly treatable with threatening to microbial as an issue of first significance periods.

If you get treatment late, it will, in any case, fix the defilement and stop future mischief to your body. Regardless, the shrewdness that late stage syphilis has starting late caused can’t be changed or fixed. The catches from late-sort out syphilis can happen 10-20 years after you at first get ruined.

Preventive Measures Of Syphilis

Although it is very hard to control once you become a victim of syphilis, we can also prevent it from using safety measures. Some of the prevention methods are enlisted below:-

  1. Use water-based lubricant condoms while having sex.
  2. Don’t get into too many relationships which ultimately helps you to have fewer sex partners.
  3. Using dental dams is one of the safest ways during oral sex.
  4. Always confirm that whether your sex partner is suffering from syphilis or not.
  5. Syphilis infected mothers shouldn’t give birth to a child so that, there will be no doubt of increasing this disease from one generation to another.
  6. Do a regular medical check-up of Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI).

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Written by Dr. Ganga Sapkota
Updated on July 25, 2023

A graduated medical physician with years of experience in the medical field. Working as a full-time physician in Puspanjali Hospital, Chitwan, Nepal.